Diversity and inclusiveness – the key to the organization of the future

In the context of the workplace, diversity is becoming a key element driving innovation, flexibility and the ability of organizations to adapt during changing market conditions. May, established by the European Commission as Diversity Month, provides a unique opportunity to deepen reflection on building an inclusive work environment. During this time, companies and organizations can specifically focus on reviewing their DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) strategies and initiate actions to create more open, diverse and equal workplaces.

Economic and social benefits of diversity

Numerous studies by reputable institutions such as Deloitte, McKinsey, and the Harvard Business Review consistently show an inextricable link between diversity and increased innovation, productivity, and employee engagement. Diversity can lead to higher organizational profitability – McKinsey & Company’s 2020 “Diversity Wins” report found that companies with the most diversity on their boards are as much as 36% more likely to have a return on investment than the industry average. And Deloitte’s data shows that organizations that invest in promoting inclusion can expect as much as 2.3 times the productivity of their employees.

Companies that effectively implement diversity and inclusion strategies not only record better financial results, but also create a work environment that reduces turnover in organizations and even promotes the company externally, which has a positive impact on the continuity and stability of process execution.

In addition, numerous studies, including those conducted by Gallup, show that diverse teams are 43% more effective at solving problems and making decisions. This fosters more innovative solutions that better address diverse customer needs. Organizations that reflect the social and cultural diversity of their customers are in a better position to understand their expectations. This translates into building stronger relationships, increasing satisfaction and loyalty, and opening up new opportunities for growth in diverse markets.

Diversity efforts

Promoting diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) in an organization requires a strategic approach and commitment at all levels. Integrating DEI practices into the company’s day-to-day operations is key to building an organizational culture that not only accepts diversity, but draws strength from it and creates a favorable environment for all employees to thrive.

Diversity Month is a good time to take a look at your organization’s diversity policies and inspire new efforts in this area. That’s why Digital University has prepared a special offer for May for speeches and workshops that will support organizations in promoting an inclusive and diverse work environment. Digital University experts are experienced speakers who will speak in an engaging way about inclusive language, gender equality, generational differences or neurodiversity, among other topics.

Responding to the needs of younger generations

In the face of dynamic changes in the labor market, a key factor in attracting young generations – Generation Z and Millennials – is companies’ commitment to promoting diversity, equality and inclusion. Deloitte’s research on Generation Z and Millennials, reveals that these values are not only preferences, but even requirements for young people when choosing an employer. Generation Z employees are looking for places where they can feel that their work has a real impact and is in line with their values. They want companies to actively engage in social and environmental initiatives, reflecting global awareness and responsibility. The changing expectations apply not only to an organization’s external policies, but also to its internal culture. Young generations value a work environment that is open, respects a diversity of perspectives and promotes a culture of mutual respect and acceptance. They believe that such an environment fosters not only personal development, but also creativity and innovation. For employers who want to attract and retain the talent of the younger generation, it becomes crucial to create and maintain a work environment that responds vividly to these needs.

Diversity and inclusion are no longer perks – they are essential to the future success of the organization. By embracing and implementing these values, companies can build teams that are ready for the challenges of the future, while creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.







AI & MEDTECH CEE 2024: Innovative Forum for Medical and Technology Leaders

Registration has begun for the next, fourth installment of the “AI & MEDTECH CEE” conference. This unique event bridges the gap between medical advances and the latest technological developments, creating ideal conditions for developing business contacts and exchanging experiences. The event will feature the premiere of the fifth edition of the “Top Disruptors in Healthcare” Report. This publication sheds light on the most groundbreaking startups from Poland and the CEE region that have the potential to revolutionize the medical sector. Both the initiative to create the report and the conference, have been patronized by Digital University. We invite you to register now to take part in shaping the AI & MEDTECH CEE revolution!

This year’s meeting will take place on June 11, 2024 at the prestigious Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warsaw. Although seats for direct participation are limited, the event will also be available online with simultaneous translation.

The previous edition of AI & MEDTECH CEE attracted experts from around the globe, including the US, UK and many other countries, becoming a hub for global medical leaders and innovation pioneers. Special guests included Brittany Kaiser, co-founder of the Own Your Data Foundation, whose story was captured in a documentary on the Netflix platform.

This year’s conference will also feature Polish public sector representatives and innovation leaders, in addition to a broad international representation. Discussions will cover the topics of:

e-health in Poland, with an accent on intelligent diagnostics supported by AI algorithms, which increases the accuracy and speed of diagnoses,
global challenges and best practices in digitizing healthcare,
Longevity and modern methods of taking care of health from a young age to minimize major risk factors.
The conference will also provide an opportunity to learn about modern technologies that support both daily activity and overall well-being, promoting a healthy lifestyle under the watchful eye of medicine.

There will also be a Medical Startup Zone, where innovators will present their avant-garde projects. Don’t wait, join us now!


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