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Executive Education

Upgrade Your Mindset

We bring together responsible leaders with their brainpower, global experts and exponential technology to enable successful digital transformation. The education we provide our participants with, helps them to transform both themselves and their companies in this rapidly changing world. Our offer includes single workshops and long-term educational programs in the field of: Digital Transformation, New Technologies, Innovation, Future of Work, Corporate Culture, Leadership, and more.

Who are we?

Program Online


This 6-module program is dedicated to experienced, mature leaders who are pursuing effective management and engagement boost, even in the disruptive and rapidly changing times. Through a 3-level perspective (personal, team, and organization), we will help them to successfully face main business challenges without endangering their most valuable resource – their employees.


Awareness of a range of skills and attitudes that support a leader during Transformation process
Identifying his/her role in the change process and redesigning their leadership identity
Being introduced to tools and methods that help a leader manage tough emotions and conflicts
Better managed tasks and reconstructed cooperation in a hybrid/remote way of working
Leaders aware of being role-models who shape employees’ attitudes and ignite engagement


Leading Digital Transformation

Leading Digital Transformation is a comprehensive modular education program, which will teach how to use exponentially developing technologies for transforming and boosting your organization’s growth. Skills and knowledge that you will gain during workshops led by exquisite experts and practitioners will unlock the full potential of your abilities and your organization’s capability for success. Check what you can improve today to harness every opportunity that comes with the digital transformation process, and make sure that your company will handle any challenge arising from the upcoming future.

Modular Educational Program 
Digital Transformation: challenges & processes
Exponential Organizations: effective business models in a digital transformation process
Innovation: DNA of the future-ready organizations
Leadership in times of disruption: strategies and competencies
Sebastian Jakubiak
Chief Disruption Officer
Sebastian Jakubiak

Digital Transformation: challenges & processes

A digital transformation is no longer an option or a choice. Companies, that want not only to survive but thrive in the market of the future, are obligated to transform the way they were operating until now. Agile managing the transformation process requires skillful reshaping of business models and structures. It includes not only innovating the technologies within the organization, but also the other areas: workplace culture, leadership abilities, or the way of managing business processes.

  • You will be aware of the challenges and opportunities that come with the digital transformation process.
  • You will learn what skills and abilities are essential for your organization to successfully get through the transformation process.
  • You will be introduced to methodology and tools, which will help you in the strategic design of digital transformation within your company.
Diego Soroa (1)
Executive Coach for Exponential Transformation
Diego Soroa

Exponential Organizations: effective business models in a digital transformation process

Exponential organizations are those companies which due to applying new technologies, business models, and novel ways of operating, reached ten times faster speed of growth. The methodology which helps build such companies was invented by Salim Ismail, co-founder of Singularity University. Today top global organizations are using it to enhance their development.

  • You will acquire the ability to the foresight and identifying upcoming disruptive innovations
  • You will learn methods that help set goals and direction of your company’s development 
  • You will understand how to use Business Model Canvas to identify business opportunities that come with new approaches
Markus Peschl
Professor of Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Science at the University of Vienna
Markus F. Peschl

Innovation: DNA of modern companies

Well constructed processes in modern organizations are those, which help with enabling and quickly adapting emerging innovation. In the complex and constantly changing world, innovation is no longer something that can be managed. The market is evolving with such speed, that relying on the lessons of the past is not useful. We have to learn how to gain insights and make decisions taking into consideration the future that is shaping. Only that approach can ensure our organization’s development dynamics and market leverage.

  • You will know what approach, attitude and competencies are crucial for transforming your organization into an agile and modern one
  • You will gain skills that will help you change your company’s culture to enable the flow of innovation and help people understand the innovation processes
  • You will understand how to search for innovation opportunities and apply suitable actions
Rafał Mrówka
Director of the MBA-SGH Program
Rafał Mrówka

Leadership in times of disruption: strategies and competencies

Przed liderami stanęło wyzwanie, jakim jest przeniesienie strategii transformacji cyfrowej organizacji na sposób zarządzania ludźmi. Nowoczesne modele funkcjonowania biznesu wymagają transformacji przywództwa. Skuteczny lider musi wiedzieć, w jaki sposób połączyć złożone procesy decyzyjne z umiejętnym prowadzeniem ludzi przez proces zmiany. Wymaga to wypracowania nowych umiejętności, ciągłego rozwoju i zwinnego zarządzania potencjałem organizacji.

  • Rozpoznasz wyzwania, jakie stoją przed liderem w związku z koniecznością adaptacji organizacji do ciągłych zmian i zrozumiesz, jak weryfikować najlepsze rozwiązania
  • Wykształcisz umiejętność dynamicznego i zwinnego organizowania pracy w Twojej organizacji
  • Zrozumiesz, jaką wagę ma promowanie w organizacji odpowiedniego nastawienia (Digital Mindset) oraz jaką rolę odgrywa lider w tym procesie
AI & Data-Driven Organizations: how can data make your company grow bigger and faster?
Workplace culture: how to build an environment that supports the digital transformation of your company
Design Thinking for Leaders: the art of process thinking
Study Tour (Israel / Singapore / USA / Estonia)
Sebastian Szymański
Sebastian Szymański
Expert in AI & Robotics and Ethics of New Technologies

AI & Data-Driven Organizations: how can data make your company grow bigger and faster?

Exponential organizations are those companies which due to applying new technologies, business models, and novel ways of operating, reached ten times faster speed of growth. The methodology which helps build such companies was invented by Salim Ismail, co-founder of Singularity University. Today top global organizations are using it to enhance their development.

  • You will acquire the ability to the foresight and identifying upcoming disruptive innovations
  • You will learn methods that help set goals and direction of your company’s development
  • You will understand how to use Business Model Canvas to identify business opportunities that come with new approaches
Grażyna Rzehak
Grażyna Rzehak
Expert in Organizational Culture & Structure

Workplace culture: how to build an environment that supports the digital transformation of your company

Even the most suitable digital transformation strategy won’t be implemented if the company’s culture is not prepared to encourage the right attitude of our employees. Building a Digital Mindset requires establishing rules and processes, which lessen change anxiety and prompt people to think more creatively. Digital workplace culture highlights the importance of personal responsibility and cooperation – both in teams and between them.

  • You will understand what factors are shaping a company’s culture and what is needed for employees to find themselves in a fast-changing environment
  • You will practice techniques that will help you fight change resistance and find out how to engage employees in implementing new solutions
  • You will understand which competencies and attitudes are crucial for the organization during the digital transformation process
Petra Houser
Petra Houser
CEO and Founder of the Exponential Business Hub

Design Thinking for Leaders: the art of process thinking

Smart organizations can’t be content with the status quo. If they want to gain leverage on the market and deliver the best innovative solutions for their clients, they have to constantly design new products, processes, or systems. It concerns not only the company’s offer but also the internal way of functioning. This workshop will give participants insight into project thinking and the way of building innovative solutions.

  • You will discover how to avoid silo way of thinking and streamline processes with agile tools
  • You will learn how to build complete offer, that fits into the needs of your client’s on each stage of the process
  • You will understand how to establish unique values, that will provide your company with market leverage

Study Tour (Israel / Singapore / USA / Estonia)

Study tours provided by Digital University are educational journeys, which immerse participants in a world of the most dynamic and innovative companies in the world. It’s a business experience, that ensures not only the extension of a business network, and partnerships, but also allows for gaining unique know-how, which will revolutionize the way your organization is functioning.

  • You will discover the environment in which the most dynamically growing companies are functioning
  • You will meet new people, who may become be your partners in new, exhilarating business ventures
  • You will gain inspiration from chosen markets and industries, which will help you redefine what is going on in your own company

Who should attend our workshops?

Management Board

Decisive people responsible for building strategy and planning changes within the organization

Top Talents

Skilled and knowledgeable employees, engaged in the organization’s development experts, and new technologies geeks

Change Leaders

Group of ambassadors of digital transformation who are responsible for promoting and developing innovation-friendly workplace culture


Leaders responsible for the effective implementation of new business processes

Online Programs

Unlock access to best-class knowledge and inspirations in the area of innovations, new technologies, and digital transformation. Reliable know-how provided by international experts will equip you in skills, strategies, and confidence that are crucial for your organization to grow exponentially!

Changing Your Innvation Mindset
Leading teams at distance
Tools of Agile Thinking
Mindset, Skills and Habits leading to thrive in a disrupted world
PSD2, The Centrality of Data & Future of Open Banking
How to maintain mental health in a times of disruption

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Upgrade Your Mindset

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