Patrycja Sławuta

Founder at SelfHackathon
Area of Expertise:
Design Thinking
English, Polish, Spanish
Travel from:
Speaking topics
    • Hacking, Rewiring and Upgrading the H:OS (Human Operating System) 
    • Hacking Resilience – How to Stay Sane While Doing Insane Things 
    • The Anatomy of a Hungry Ghost – Psychologist’s Guide to How We Hurt, Heal and Can Harness the Human Spirit 
    • The Psychology of Abundance – When Having Affects Being 
    • Hacking the Corporate OS. The Art and Science of Meaningful Innovation 
    • Global Immune System – who, why and how – Psychologist’s guide to upgrading humanity 
    • Psychology of Purpose – psychologist’s guide to living a meaningful life 
    • From Scarcity to Abundance 
    • The Neuroscience of Creating Clarity in a Complex World 
    • The Anatomy of Adaptive Leadership 
    • The (Neuro)plasticity of Well-being: A Science-Based Framework for Human Flourishing 
    • Burnout, Quiet Quitting and the Future of Work 

The famous Moore’s law says that the computational power of machines doubles every 18 months. As a consequence, change becomes the only constant. We live in a world of constant hacking, rewiring and upgrading of various systems around us.  

Same goes for the human OS. Programmed early in our development by powerful forces such as culture, religion and family, this system, more than any other, requires a continuous upgrade to reflect who we are, what we want to become and where we are heading. 

 Come join us for this powerful, immersive and interactive session as we learn how to hack, rewire and upgrade the ultimate supercomputer between your ears – your mind.’ 


The famous Moore’s Law observes that the computational power of machines doubles every 18 

months. As a consequence, change becomes the only constant. We live in a world of constant 

hacking, rewiring and upgrading of various systems around us. 


Same goes for the human operating system. Programmed early in our development by powerful 

forces such as culture, religion and family, this system, more than any other, requires a continuous upgrade to reflect who we are, what we want to become and where we are heading. Especially if you are an innovative startup business.  


Companies today are at the forefront of change. Meaningful disruption is embedded in the DNA of every successful company. And so, surviving and thriving becomes a psychological game of mindsets, mental habits and resilience. The most skillful players are able to turn fear into fuel and uncertainty into business opportunities. 


Resilience, contrary to popular belief, is not robustness, redundancy or even bouncing back. It does not always equate with the recovery of a system to its initial state. Often times resilient systems have no baseline to return to, and so they reconfigure themselves continuously and fluidly to adapt to ever-changing circumstances, while continuing to fulfill their purpose. 


In the world of scientific research such a characteristic of a system is called dynamic disequilibrium and is widely observed from microbiome systems to human societies to even entire cultures. 


With such a definition, modest and often/frequent failures are actually essential to many forms of resilience – they allow a system to release and then reorganize some of its resources. The best resilient systems fail gracefully – they employ strategies for avoiding dangerous circumstances, detecting intrusions, minimizing and isolating damage, diversify the resources and re-organize itself in order to heal. 


Research from various fields shows that a seemingly “perfect” system is often the most fragile, while a dynamic system that is subject to occasional small failures are often the most robust. 


Resilience, just like the life itself, is messy, imperfect and dynamic. But that’s exactly why we 

survived as human beings. Resilience is a skill that can be learned, upgraded and perfected. It’s a practice that can be applied at the individual, team as well as organizational levels. 


In this immersive and intensive hands-on workshop you will learn the following: 


1 – How to mine your mind using mindfulness to keep it calm, centered, grounded and focused on the priorities. 


2 – How to use and master the most efficient and portable mindhacking tool you have at your disposal – your breath. 


3 – How to leverage your social circles for much needed support, encouragement and meaningful recharge. Because resilience is not only about performance but also about recovery. 

Żyjemy w epoce niepokoju, w której niepokój i przytłoczenie nie pozwalają nam spać w nocy, czasami każdej nocy. Szybciej, lepiej i ciężej wydaje się być nową linią podstawową. Wszystko wydaje się być zakłócane, innowacyjne i wymyślane na nowo w coraz krótszym cyklu. Codziennie rywalizujemy z pozornie doskonałym życiem w nirwanie mediów społecznościowych. Wiemy coraz więcej, ale rozumiemy coraz mniej.  

(Głodne duchy naszej psychiki zawsze chcą więcej, by w końcu doprowadzić do wypalenia i wyczerpania. Albo wieczystej egzystencjalnej pustki i poczucia bezsensu.) 

W tym wystąpieniu zanurzymy się głęboko w niewidzialną psychologiczną architekturę ciebie. Zbadamy również najnowszą naukę o kondycji człowieka, zarówno na poziomie indywidualnym jak i zbiorowym – gdzie boli, co wymaga leczenia i jak możemy wykorzystać najbardziej niewykorzystany zasób naturalny świata – Twój umysł.  

Time, money, love, and meaning are all dimensions of wealth and poverty, both of the wallet and of the mind. Sometimes having plenty of one can result in the lack of another of these (the loneliness epidemic, being time-strapped). Sometimes it feels like we have it all. Why? 


Join NYC-based behavioral scientist and entrepreneur Patrycja Slawuta to explore the fascinating science behind the abundance and scarcity. In this session will take a deep dive into the psychology of having or having not. 


Psychological and neuroscience research shows that both abundance and scarcity are states of mind that affect not only how we subjectively see ourselves, but also how we think, feel and interact with others. 

Today’s world is torn by actual wars, information wars, extreme weather events, a global pandemic, and various familiar systems getting disrupted. At the same time, innovation, invention and insight are taking place more often, in more places and en masse. The coronavirus pandemic has proven we can create meaningful solutions quickly and implement them efficiently. If necessity is the mother of invention, then the timing is just perfect to build a global immune system for the interconnected and interdependent world of ours.  


Please join us to explore this ambitious project to coordinate global efforts, meaningfully utilize machine intelligence and tap into unique human ingenuity. In the face of many existential threats humanity has an upararel opportunity to upgrade itself – one mind at a time. And it starts right here and right now.  

In the world of hacking, disrupting and upgrading, purpose is one of the few life activities we can’t outsource to anybody else other than us. Purpose is a deeply psychological and personal journey one embarks on more than once throughout a lifetime. If done right, the journey becomes just as important as the destination.  


Purpose is the talk of the town, notably in business circles, and is particularly relevant as we try to make sense of the pandemic “new normal”. However, there is a lot of confusion when it comes to what it actually means to pursue one’s purpose. Is there one big purpose we should search for? Is our purpose discovered or developed, or both? Does persistence and profits ever trump passion and purpose? To answer these and many other questions please come join eminent psychologist and mindhacker Patrycja Slawuta as she breaks down the newest research around the psychology of purpose.  

The concept of scarcity stretches from the very objective and tangible to deeply subjective and psychological. Sense of lacking and not-enoughness extends beyond just the reality of money and finance. The newest scientific research shows that scarcity also applies to the realms of love, time and opportunity – each one deeply affecting how we feel, make decisions and relate to others and the world around us.  


The journey from a sense of scarcity to a sense of abundance is one of hacking, reviewing and upgrading one’s mindset. It’s a mind-shift and a different state of being. Please come and join us in this immersive and intensive session led by eminent psychologist Patrycja Slawuta and explore what being and having “enough” means to you.  


We will cover the four facets of scarcity and abundance: 

1: Money  


This section is focused on understanding the psychology of wealth, money and finances. 


What is the deep psychology behind money, wealth accumulation and the meaning humans ascribe to it? What are the money stories we (often unconsciously) tell ourselves that affect our choices, decisions and particularly relationships? Why and how does self-worth sometimes determine our net worth and how to meaningfully disentangle these two concepts?  


2: Time 


Is time really equal to money? Are we running out of time to do everything we want to do? How does trauma freeze time and make it repeat over and over again on a strange auto-loop? How do we break that vicious cycle so many of us are trapped in? And finally, how do we create space for a compelling future to be called in and come in? 


This module explores the fascinating psychology and practice focused on time, space and how our minds construct both. We will explore the ancient wisdom concepts of deep-time, the recent realizations on how trauma affects time and will practice the art of deep presence to create more space and time.  


3: Opportunity 


As Warren Buffett, one of the top world’s investors said “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble”. How can we  spot a great opportunity and let go of average ones? How do we embrace and learn from failure – the ultimate fire-walk of any successful entrepreneur? How can we lean into uncertainty despite the brain’s hardwired avoidance of lack of control and not knowing? 


In this module we explore the psychology of growth mindset – one that ascribes to life-long learning, uses failure as a growth opportunity and adapts to changing circumstances. Abundant mindset recognizes the wealth of opportunities that life provides and turns failure into fuel for reflection, learning and growth. 


4: Love 


Human beings are hardwired to be not just social but hyper social. The need to belong, to be accepted and to be valued is one of the major motivators, sources of dis-ease and conflict across human history. Despite the fact that psychological research shows that love is abundant in this world, many of us feel lonely and misunderstood. A recent significant study shows that the average American has not made a new friend in five years. This pandemic of disconnection affects not only individuals but entire families, communities and societies causing collective grief, dis-ease, and disease. As relational therapist Esther Perel states powerfully “the survival of the family depends on the happiness of the couple.”  


In this module we will explore the science of the wide spectrum of love – from romantic to more general, universal love that we can create and feel on a moment-to-moment basis (called by some scientists as Love 2.0). We will also take a deep dive into the fundamental communication tools that foster love, affection and belonging: making requests, honouring one’s needs, making an offer, and finally, delivering on promises. 


We live in VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Contrary to popular and incorrect belief, human minds have developed mechanisms to not only survive but also thrive in such a world. Hardwired deep into our brains through thousands of years of evolution are mechanisms of grit, resilience and adaptation. 


Modern neuroscience has given us the ability to see the inner workings of the brain helping to understand how these processes work, where and how they backfire leading to suboptimal decision making and how to meaningfully upgrade the ancient and still most advanced biocomputer between our ears – our mind. 


Because managing complexity in the outside world (such as the workplace) starts with managing complexity internally – being aware of old assumptions, beliefs and biases that don’t serve us anymore, being able to distinguish signal from the noise and skillfully move from overwhelm, frustration and rigidity into creativity, action and integration. 


In this workshop we will explore the cutting edge science to understand how to create clarity in a complex, dynamic and non-linear world. We will break down the concept of the Human Operating System into its four fundamental parts: cognitive, affective, physiological and social. We will also review the art of its practice in the real world. 

For each part we will learn tools to not only harness the resources already available to us as high functioning human beings but also how to leverage technology to help us be more effective, efficient and engaged in whatever we do. 



  1. a) 30 minute keynote lecture 

The keynote introduces the main theoretical frameworks around managing complexity from the neuroscience perspective. It also provides 4 four main tools (cognitive, afective, behavioral and social) to upgrade one’s skillset around complexity, dynamic systems and decision making. 

  1. b) 2 hour immersive, intensive and interactive session 

This immersive and intensive session provides not only frameworks and tools for managing complexity but also allows for hands-on practice, custom-tailored conversation and relavant case-studies. 

Leadership is one of the most written-about topics in business literature, yet one of the least understood ones when it comes to its underlying psychology. There are still so many important and yet unanswered questions around this critical topic.  

  • Are great leaders born or created?  
  • Should companies try to discover or develop future leaders?  
  • Does being a good follower make one a good leader?  
  • And finally, is leadership a work position or a psychological mindset? 


In a complex world ruled by unpredictable disruption, exponential business growth (and collapse) as well as collective existential angst among the workforce – true great leadership becomes not only a nice-to-have but a must-have in order to survive and thrive. 

Great leaders leverage the power of the ancient proverb “know thyself” to first and foremost lead themselves in order to lead their teams and organizations. As such, leadership is a set of learnable skills, mindset shifts and practicable acts of leadership.

The post-pandemic, mid-war and pre-recession world around us requires different types of leadership – braver, humbler and one that can leverage and harness the uniqueness of human nature – from inspiration and purpose to frustration and conflict.

Adaptive leadership does just that – it’s a practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive, particularly in an uncertain and rapidly changing world. And it’s a practice rather than position – allowing anybody to lead anytime, pursue purpose and contribute to the upgrade of the business and culture.

In this keynote we will take a deep dive into the psychological anatomy of adaptive leadership. Namely, why is it both urgent and important in today’s business world, why starting small leads to big wins and why it will make you and your team happier, healthier and subjectively wealthier.

In a world that has more challenges and opportunities than ever, putting into practice and mastering the principles of flourishing is perhaps one of the most important disciplines to learn.  

We all seem to have taken for granted the seemingly never ending impending streams of stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation. This in combination with a global pandemic, cross-continental wars and incursions, and an impending recession makes embodying the principles paramount.  

We will take a deep dive into one of the most scientifically researched and respected frameworks on the basic building blocks of human flourishing. This keynote / workshop has been developed together with neuroscientists from University of Wisconsin – Madison and explores the four fundamental pillars of wellbeing: 

  1. Awareness – being aware of self and others 
  1. Connection – connecting deeply with others in one’s community 
  1. Insight – understanding of self, particularly as it relates to emotions and thoughts 
  1. Purpose – being in alignment with one’s purpose and intention 

All of these capacities and skills are learnable, trainable and upgradable. And, as research shows, give rise to a resilient, adaptable and efficient work team culture no matter whether it’s in physical, virtual, or hybrid spaces. 

The COVID-19 pandemic and its long-lasting aftermath has deeply impacted the minds, hearts and bodies of people worldwide. The same goes for businesses and their employees. After a sweeping wave of job quitting labeled “the great resignation” today’s workforce is struggling mightily with burnout, prioritization overwhelm and subsequent “quiet quitting.”  

There is a loud clamor for business leaders to re-group, re-vision and retell the story of what they stand for and represent. Research shows that great leaders are able to skillfully tell and retell the story of where they come from, where they are now, and where they are going.  

In times of uncertainty, volatility and numerous global threats – harnessing this unique human skill creates an incredible opportunity to re-engage, re-ignite and re-inspire. The future of work is not about working harder but about working smarter by leveraging technology to help the human mind do what it does best: create, innovate and collaborate.   

In this keynote / workshop we will explore the newest trends in behavioural science of what makes work truly meaningful and engaging, take a deep dive into a healthy culture code and explore how to practice adaptive leadership in these uncertain times.  


Bio note

Patrycja Slawuta, is an Australia-based behavioural scientist. After spending 10+ years in academia, Patrycja founded SelfHackathon, a boutique behavioural consultancy that uses cutting edge scientific research for business innovation. As an expert on the complexity, nonlinearity and messiness of human nature, Patrycja lectures globally and works with some of the most exciting and disruptive startups and organizations in the world helping them hack, rewire and upgrade.   


Her latest initiative is called PsychTech, the seamless fusion of psychology and technology. That is – how to leverage human ingenuity with machine intelligence.  In her free time, she runs ultra-marathons, reads scientific articles and meditates. In that particular order. 

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