Andrea Fronzetti Colladon

Andrea Fronzetti Colladon

Research Fellow of MIT Sloan, Big Data Expert, Assistant Professor at the University of Perugia

Kopia Bez tytułu (24)
Speaking topics

Social Network Analysis 
Big Data Analytics  
Semantic Brand Score




Honest Signals have been described as subtle patterns in how we interact with other people. Unconscious social signals that complement our conscious language; they reveal our intentions, goals and values. Looking at social media posts, for example, we can understand consumers’ opinions and emotions, or citizens’ vote intentions. This involves the assessment of brand equity, which should be in almost real time and take into account the ‘spontaneous’ discourse of brand stakeholders’; it should not rely on the administration of time-consuming surveys. This talk presents the Semantic Brand Score (SBS), a methodology of assessment of brand importance that combines methods and tools of text mining and social network analysis. The SBS can be calculated on any collection of text documents, such as newspaper articles, emails, or tweets; it can be adapted to multiple languages and applied to ‘brands’ in a broad sense – for example to politicians’ names. The SBS has already proved very useful for tourism and election forecasting. Gaining a deeper understanding of brand importance and textual brand associations can change the way we make decisions and manage organizations in the era of big data. 


Bio note

Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the University of Perugia. He was a Research Fellow and an Adjunct Professor of Engineering Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and a Visiting Scholar at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence. Earlier he was an account manager at Saatchi & Saatchi. Since 2014, Dr. Fronzetti Colladon has been collaborating on several research projects at the MIT CCI. He is member of the ICKN core team and instructor of four courses on Social Network and Big Data Analysis. His research interests include social network analysis, text mining, brand management, organizational communication and innovation management. For many years, Dr. Fronzetti Colladon has been serving on the steering committee of the International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs) and of other important academic events. He is the creator of the Semantic Brand Score and an experienced business advisor and coach. 

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