#Customer Experience
#Future of Work
#Digital Transformation
- Język: EN
- Skąd podróżuje: Spain
Ekspert E-commerce, doradca biznesowy, mentor oraz coach z ponad 25 letnim doświadczeniem
Wielokrotnie nagradzany profesjonalny mówca, trener biznesu i mentor w zakresie biznesu online, e-commerce, omnichannel i rozwoju zorientowanego na klienta.
Karl Lillrud pomógł ponad 1000 sklepom e-commerce zwiększyć ich konwersję i rozwinąć rynek, w tym pomagał takim organizacjom jak H&M, Spotify, AstraZeneca, 3, Tele2, TUI i wielu innym w skalowaniu biznesu, przekształcaniu wąskich gardeł w możliwości oraz budowaniu zarówno wewnętrznych jak i zewnętrznych czynników sukcesu. Z 25-letnim doświadczeniem w tej dziedzinie został uznany za jednego z Top 50 ekspertów E-Commerce i Top 30 influencerów E-Commerce.
The future of commerce and how your clients remove the wall separating the different channels.
The problem we see with the market today is that physical and online retail are in a race, which make them blinded by the competitor’s results.
There is no time to look at the actual issues due to the fear of being outrun by the competitor.
This results in that the consumer is caught in the middle given worse care and less interest. Because the consumer is not the customer until he or she actually decide to buy a product. The retailers are now so eager that they do everything in their power to get the consumer to become a customer, where the customer actually stand there and scream out what they lack the most.
This presentation will:
- Bring out real life examples
- Inspire and educate the audience
- Make you think outside “the box”
- Understand the greatest problems for retail and how to fix them
W tej prezentacji Karl przybliży przykłady z życia wzięte, zainspiruje publiczność oraz ukierunkuje na myślenie out-of-the-box, pokaże, jak zrozumieć największe problemy handlu detalicznego i zasugeruje, jak je rozwiązać.
The time you use to distract your viewer needs to be repaid somewhere and somehow. Karl will address how and how it will improve the life quality of the observer.
Secondly, Karl will help you understand that time is the new currency and how you should consider the new technologies to convert the visitor to a paying customer right there and then without having to move to your preferred transactional channel. This decreasing the risk of distraction and improving the overall conversion.
Karl will:
- Open your eyes
- Engage your organization in solving current problems
- Make you find new channels and even create new channels
Internal company growth
This keynote addresses the proven success methods to drive change internally within a company/organization. To prepare for the future and the unexpected in combination with understanding what’s just around the corner. Both from your internal view but also from an external point of view looking at your competition.
Ten wykład dotyczy sprawdzonych, skutecznych metod napędzania zmian wewnętrznych w organizacji. Celem wykładu jest przygotowanie się na przyszłość i niespodziewane wydarzenia w połączeniu ze zrozumieniem tego, co jest tuż za rogiem – zarówno z wewnętrznego jak i zewnętrznego punktu widzenia, patrząc na konkurencję.
This is one of Karl’s top focus areas, to understand and support who ever the consumer is and with that in mind drive the business growth. You will learn about how behavior and expectations differ around the world and how you can be better prepared for future generations and their expectations.
Jest to jeden z głównych obszarów zainteresowania Karla – dogłębne zrozumienie tego kim jest nasz konsument, pozwoli napędzić rozwój biznesu. Dowiesz się, jak zachowania i oczekiwania różnią się na całym świecie i jak możesz być lepiej przygotowany na przyszłe pokolenia i ich oczekiwania.
Startup and Entrepreneurship
With 25 years of experience Karl has all the experience you can imagine to empower any startup or entrepreneur.
He will share his story with the audience, and bring out highlighted value points. Points that could only be found by daring to fail, to learn from the challenges and to empower future growth.
As a strong voice withing the community Karl connects you with your “creative self,” pushing you outside your comfort zone towards an unexpected level of success.
You will leave with:
- Tools to drive your success.
- Challenges to avoid as well as challenges to embrace
- How to hack time and efficiency drivers.